Here are some questions we often get asked by parents before they book a camp with us. You may find the answer to your own question here. If not, we always love to hear from parents, so please feel free to email us at info@hoebridgecamps.co.uk.

How do we book?
Parents will need to create an account on our website. We will ask you for further information about your child and their needs. You will then be able to book the camp you would like subject to availability.

What are the payment options?

You can either pay via credit/debit card, childcare vouchers or tax-free childcare. 

Childcare Vouchers and Tax-Free Childcare

When booking online please select this option and your booking will be saved on our system for 10 days until we receive your childcare vouchers/payment. After this date, if we haven't received payment for your booking it will be automatically removed. If you are booking within 10 days of the booking start date you will need to make the full payment by credit/debit card. 

If paying with Tax-Free Childcare, please enter the long reference number for this payment at the time of booking so we can identify and allocate the payment. If you do not have this reference number at the time of booking, please notify us of this by email within 24 hours of completing the booking. Hoe Bridge School is registered with most providers, of which Edenred (ref. P20149104) and Sodexo 170919 (ref.170919) require you to quote the schools's reference number.

Credit/Debit card payments

Please note, if you are not paying using childcare vouchers or Tax-Free Childcare, unpaid bookings will be automatically deleted after 48 hours

Unfortunately we are unable to take Amex through our payment provider at the moment. 

What if I want to make changes to my booking?
You can make changes to your dates within the same holiday season up to 14 days before your child is due to attend, subject to availability. Please note bookings cannot be cancelled once paid for and are non-refundable.

What happens after I make my booking?
After you've made your booking you'll receive an email confirmation with all your booking details and a link to our Parent Guide with all the information you will need in readiness for your upcoming camp booking. Please make sure you check your booking and let us know right away if anything is incorrect. Responsibility for all booking details lies with the person who made the booking.

What should my child wear?
Children need to be wearing comfortable clothes and trainers that they can move around in for the activity they are taking part in. Full details are in our Parent Guide included in your booking confirmation.

What do we need to bring?
All children must pack a water bottle and a nut free lunch plus morning and afternoon nut free snacks. Depending on the time of year and camp they are attending they may need to pack additional items. Full details of what to bring are in our Parent Guide included in your booking confirmation.

How will the children be grouped?
Children will be grouped by school year group or similar year groups depending on the camp they are joining and the number of bookings per camp.

How do we get in contact throughout the day?
The Camp Manager will be your main point of contact throughout the camp and will be contactable at all times in case of illnesses or early/late pick up needs. The Camp Manager's mobile number is in our Parent Guide which is included in your booking confirmation.

Will you need to be able to get hold of me through the day?
Yes, it is always advisable that we are able to get in contact with you throughout the day. We never have to ring home often, but just in case your child is ill. We will also ask for additional emergency contact numbers when you make a booking with us.

I am having trouble signing up, can you help?
If there is a problem or you have a question please email us at info@hoebridgecamps.co.uk.

My child has allergies, are you able to cater to that?
We have a no nut policy at Hoe Bridge Camps. We ask that all children bring a nut free lunch and two nut free snacks each day on camp. We check all lunchboxes each day to ensure there are no products that have been packed with nuts or traces of nuts before allowing children to eat their food. We are also very aware of other allergies and will make sure that your child is not surrounded by anything that they may be allergic to. When creating your account you will be asked questions about dietary/medical needs so please note any allergies and/or medical requirements for your child.

Who can attend?
Hoe Bridge Camps are open to all children at Hoe Bridge School and other local schools currently in Reception to Year 8. The only exception is Nursery aged children who must be attending Hoe Bridge School Nursery to attend Hoe Bridge Camps.

Where do I drop my child off if we have never been before?
Full details of where to drop your child are in our Parent Guide included in your booking confirmation.

Do you have any discount?
We do not have a sibling discount but we do have a discount if you book a full week on certain camps.

Do we ask for social media and marketing consent?
When setting up your account with us you will be asked to consent to photos/videos. This helps us understand who we can post onto our social medias and who we can’t.

Will we be able to see pictures of our children enjoying activities during the day?
During the day there will be pictures taken by us to post on our Hoe Bridge School social media channels. However, only children who have accepted our photo/video will be featured in these photos.